
Renewable + IoT
The typical renewable power plants are relatively in small scale comparing with conventional utility's power plants and distributed all around the country. Recently, the ratio of such renewable power plants such as PV is intensively increased by nationwide promotion policies such as FIT.
However, we cannot stop relying on the base load power from conventional power plants due to the unstable nature of the renewable sources, PV can generate maximum power only in the condition of intensive sun light in the middle of the day. In other word, we can compress the amount of base load significantly by introducing numbers of distributed batteries for grid stabilization. In this way, we expect much faster increase of the ratio of renewable energies than the increasing rate of renewables itself.
To achieve such condition, it is important to control each independent device autonomously in power-generation, charging and consumption side simultaneously. It means each device has to be intelligent and have to have a capability of mutual communication. We are going to develop such autonomous devices and systems in addition to the promotion activity of renewable power plants and batteries.
Our bland logo for IoT products ANS(Autonomous Netwrok System)

We are developing battery system optimized for significantly overloaded PV plants.
To be updated

Self consumption (Mining of cryptocurrencys)

The purchase price of the FIT has been declining year by year recently in Japan. The current purchase price is already down to 18 yen (2018), it is already lower than the electricity unit price for residential customers. Since it is expected that it will decline further in the future, it is already time to consider self-consumption on the economic basis rather than selling it to the utility, if we have adequate power demand.
Furthermore, in an overloaded power plant, the amount of power generated by the solar panel during the day greatly exceeds the maximum output power of the inverter, so a considerable amount of energy has been thrown away as a peak-cut. For example, in the case of a AC50kW scale power plant with DC 100 kW, more than 150 kWh of energy has been thrown away on a day with good weather. Hence we have a clear incentive to collect peak-cut power for some constructive purpose. We are selling and providing installation service of the device which can let you utilize the peak-cut power.
Although, there are no particular restrictions on the usage of electricity, but we choose "mining" of cryptocurrency as an example. Because PV plants are located far away from the living place of the owner in many cases, so that it is not always a good idea to use electricity for the use we need some other work.

Remote Camera/Monitoring/Controlling
It is convenient to have a remote camera for any kind of remotely installed devices and plants such as PVs. We are providing programable remote camera in very low cost. Together with cloud staorage, our camera can save basically all the pictures taken on-site. Please consider it for PV plants, gardening, etc.
  • Internet connection fee included
  • Saving pictures and movies to the Google Drive.
  • Programable even after installation without site visit
  • Hardware replacement without additional cost
  • OCR or any intelligent AI options are available
  • Installation service
  • Off-grid option
Remote camera with off-grid option

370-0831 群馬県高崎市あら町129-1 3F
TEL/FAX: 027-381-6583

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370-0069 群馬県高崎市飯塚町1311-1
TEL/FAX: 027-381-6583